The Arlington Public Library is dedicated to providing programs and services to children, teens, and their families that focus on building reading and literacy skills, supporting education, and engaging in experiential learning. This page contains information, resources, and guides for how parents and caregivers can help their child grow.
Additionally, if you are at the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library or the Southeast Library we have laptops available for you to use in the Children's areas.
We have also partnered with Help Me Grow North Texas to help answer your questions about your child’s development, parenting, or community-based resources. If you have questions or need specific help contact Help Me Grow. The best way to reach Help Me Grow is 844-NTX-KIDS (844-689-5437). More information about Help Me Grow go to or connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @HelpMeGrowNTX.
Currently the Arlington Public Library offers three dedicated spaces for child learning and play. We have the Children’s Area at the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, Rosie’s Reading Nook at the Southeast Library, provided by the Otis and Rosie Brown Foundation, and the Innovation Zone at the East Library and Recreation Center.
2x2 List – a list of recommended reads for children age two to grade two to encourage voluntary reading.
Caldecott Medal List – A list of all Caldecott Medal winners and nominees, 1938 - Present
Little Maverick List – A list of recommended graphic novels for children grades K – 5
Newbery Awards – A list of all Newbery Award Winners and nominees, 1922 - Present
Tejas Star List – a bilingual reading list for ages 5-12.
Texas Bluebonnet Award – A curated booklist for grades 3-6; students in Texas have the opportunity to select the winner of this award by voting each year.
A series of booklists curated by the Arlington Public Library children’s team that focuses on introducing and discussing complicated topics in a safe and informative manner. Titles in these lists are not to be seen as comprehensive, but more as suggestions. Place a hold on any of these titles through our online catalog to have them brought to your nearest branch for check out.
Heart Topics Lists Heart Topics_Children's.xlsx
We have created a list of recommended online resources to support homeschool students and families. Check out our calendar for upcoming homeschool programs!
Homeschool Central – This site includes homeschool basics, support groups, and curriculum.
At Home Learning – This site has links to lesson plans for Social Studies, Math, Science, Language Arts, and Art.
Texas Homeschool Coalition – This site discusses the basics of homeschooling specific to Texas.
Homeschooling in Texas – For those just getting started homeschooling.
Preschool Express – Offers learning activities for preschool and Pre-K teachers.
Texas Connections Academy – Tuition free online school for grades 3-12.
Google Safe Search – A kid-friendly safe to use search engine. This site also has guidelines for helping children use social media and the internet safely.
Scholastic Learn at Home Resources – Site that keeps kids reading, thinking, and growing, plus resources for teachers and families.
Reading Rockets – A site for reading teachers that include teaching tips and author interviews.
PBS Parents – PBS offers tips, articles, advice from experts, and more. – Site that helps early learners learn to read.
Arlington Association of Home Educators – Please contact the group at
Grades and subjects – K-12, all
Online tutoring services that is free to access with your library card. Get access to tutoring on demand, an online writing lab, study sessions, and more right from home.
Grades 3-8, subjects Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies
Online resources to help with educational development, including tutorials, practice sheets, and test prep, including STAAR
Grades 2-8th, all subjects
APL has partnered with H.O.P.E. Tutoring center to provide onsite tutoring for students to help mitigate educational discrepancies for elementary and middle school students in Arlington. Tutoring is provided on a weekly basis at the George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, The East Library and Recreation Center, and the Southeast Library.
To attend tutoring, sign up here.