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Support the Library

Contribute Materials

book sale at the library

Donations of books and audiovisual materials are usually accepted at all library locations.  All donations are assessed by library staff to determine if they are needed for the Library’s collection.  Materials not kept for the Library are given to the Friends and Foundation of the Arlington Public Library.   

Donations are tax deductible. While we can't provide a monetary value for your gift, we're happy to write you a receipt for your taxes. Please ask for a donation receipt when making any donations.

Love Your Library: Amazon Wishlist

love my library logo

The Arlington Public Library has an Amazon Wishlist. The items in the list have been carefully selected by librarians to be added to the Library’s collection for our patrons to enjoy.  If you would like to purchase an item for the Library, please click on the link above and make a selection for purchase.  Unless otherwise instructed, Amazon will send the purchased items directly to the Library. 

If you'd like to be recognized on a bookplate, please leave the following information in the "Free Gift Note" field at check out:

  • Name
  • Email address or phone number
  • Message to be included on your bookplate