Books on Wheels is a free outreach service to our community’s most isolated residents. This service is available at select senior housing facilities within Arlington city limits. Volunteers or library staff deliver library materials to participants to borrow and socialize with them. Individuals have the choice to request items or have items selected for them.
Homebound Delivery
Homebound delivery is a free service for homebound individuals where volunteers or library staff check out and deliver library materials to participants. Individuals have the choice to request items or have items selected for them.
Am I eligible?
Arlington or Pantego residents who are confined to their homes due to limited mobility, temporary or permanent disability, or some other reason are eligible for homebound delivery.
Do I need a library card?
Homebound individuals participating in Books on Wheels are required to have an Arlington Public Library card in good standing. You can sign up for a card at the link below or by calling 817-459-6399.
How do I sign up?
To sign up for homebound delivery, you can call us at 817-459-6399 or
When are deliveries?
Deliveries are made every 3 weeks. Volunteers deliver items between Monday and Thursday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Homebound participants will be able to request what day and time frame they would like to receive their items.
What can I check out?
Books (including large print), audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays are all eligible for homebound delivery.
What can I NOT check out?
Currently, Interlibrary Loans and materials owned by Mansfield and Kennedale public libraries are ineligible for homebound delivery.
Service to Residential Facilities

This service is available at select senior housing facilities within Arlington city limits. Volunteers or library staff deliver library materials to participants to borrow. Individuals have the choice to request items or have items selected for them.
Books on Wheels visits happen monthly.
Current Participating Retirement Centers:
Volunteering for Books on Wheels

Interested in volunteering for our Books on Wheels program?
Find out more about being a Books on Wheels volunteer here.
Visit the Arlington Public Library’s volunteer page for more volunteer opportunities or to get started.
Funded in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services through a grant to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Grant # LS-252486-OLS-22).