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Library Card

Interlibrary Loan

If you can’t find an item you are looking for, double check the library catalog to see if item is currently owned by Arlington Public Library. If you have searched the library’s catalog, and we do not own the material you are searching for, you can either

  • suggest that we consider the item for purchase, especially if the item is not yet published or has been published in the last 6 months OR
  • request the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). ILLs allow patrons to obtain materials from participating libraries throughout the United States. Download our ILL Form at the bottom of this page, and take it to any library‘s reference desk. A fee of $2.00 will be charged for each request. If we are unable to borrow the item you requested, your money will be refunded. The Library is able to request many types of materials from these libraries, however, in rare cases materials provided through Interlibrary Loan will be restricted to in-library use only. Users of the Interlibrary Loan service must hold a valid Arlington Public Library card.

If you’re interested in an item, the WorldCat database is a user-friendly resource for getting information about other libraries’ materials.

What is not available through Interlibrary Loan?

  • Downloadable items, such as eBooks and downloadable audiobooks.
  • Popular authors and/or newest titles We request patrons suggest items for purchase, especially for those published within the last 6 months. Lending institutions will not loan these materials.

What is available through Interlibrary Loan?

  • Audio Visual Material (audio tapes, CDs, microfilm, microfiche and videos) Limited availability due to a shortage of AV lenders.
  • Books
  • Photocopies of newspaper, magazine, or journal articles Limited photocopies of specific portions of non-circulating or reference books and microforms (portions of an index, table of contents, obituaries, etc. from archival, genealogy, local history or reference material.
  • Non-circulating Genealogy Materials Only a handful of libraries will loan Genealogy/Local History material, but we can frequently obtain photocopies of specific information.
  • Information on a specific subject Please provide as much information as possible about what is needed, age of person needing it, and sources already checked so that you do not receive duplicate information.

Interlibrary Loan Policy

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services allow patrons to obtain materials from participating libraries throughout the United States. The Library is able to request many types of materials from these libraries, which can be checked out for use at home. In rare cases materials provided through Interlibrary Loan will be restricted to in-library use only. Users of the Interlibrary Loan service must hold a valid Arlington Public Library card. The following paragraphs describe the Interlibrary Loan policy.

I. Principles

Interlibrary Loan is a primary service that supports the mission of the Library by providing enhanced access to library materials and information. The purpose of Interlibrary Loan is to obtain materials not available within the Arlington Public Library System (APLS) and to provide material from our collection to other libraries.

The library affirms that Interlibrary Loan is an adjunct tool, not a substitute, for the Library’s collection. In meeting patron needs, the Library will exhaust local resources first. Items in frequent or recurring demand through ILL service will be considered for purchase.
The Library will keep this Interlibrary Loan policy up to date and make it available to users and other libraries on request.

II. Definition

Interlibrary Loan is a transaction in which the Arlington Public Library borrows materials directly from another library on behalf of a patron, or another library borrows materials from the Arlington Public Library on behalf of its patrons.

III. Interlibrary Borrowing

A. Users

  1. All current Arlington Public Library cardholders with accounts in good standing may request specified material through Interlibrary Loan.
  2. All borrowing privileges, including Interlibrary Loan, of patrons who accumulate overdue fees over $50.00 are suspended until sufficient payments are made to reduce the overdue balance to less than $50.00.
  3. Failure to return Interlibrary Loan items on time may result in the suspension of library borrowing services to the delinquent patron.

B. What can be borrowed

  1. Books, audio materials such as audio books and books on CD, videos, microforms, articles and photocopies from materials may be requested.
  2. Some requests may not be filled due to high demand, copyright restrictions, inability to locate or rarity of item.
  3. A patron may have no more than five (5) items on request at any given time.
  4. Materials that will not be requested include items owned by the Library and temporarily in use or on reserve in the library, and electronic full-text information available to the Library via TexShare or locally purchased databases.
  5. The library will generally not seek loans of materials that have been published within the last six (6) months.

C. Submitting a request

  1. Patrons may place an Interlibrary Loan request in person at any Arlington Public Library location, including branch libraries, by calling any Arlington Public Library, or by sending the request by mail or e-mail.
  2. The form is available on the Library’s web site and can be printed and completed at home to be mailed or brought in person to the Library.

D. Turnaround Time

  1. Interlibrary Loan requests will be filled as quickly as possible. Turnaround time varies depending upon the lending library and materials requested.
  2. Patrons will be notified by telephone, email or mail when their materials arrive at the library.

E. Loan Period

  1. Loan periods are determined by the lending library. Items generally are loaned to patrons for two weeks.
  2. A due date will be assigned when the patron picks up the item. Items will be considered overdue if they are not returned to this Library by the assigned item due date.

F. Conditions of Use

  1. Arlington Public Library will strictly adhere to conditions set by the lending library for the use of their materials. In rare cases this will require that loaned materials be used in the library and not checked out for use at home.
  2. Items should be returned to a circulation desk for proper processing, and not deposited in the book drop.

G. Charges

  1. There is a two-dollar ($ 2.00) charge for each ILL request. If material is comprised of more than one volume, the fee applies to each individual item (book, cassette, film roll, etc.)
  2. This charge is refunded in the event the request cannot be filled. If the lending library charges a fee for photocopies or sending particular requested material, patrons will be consulted about their willingness to pay before those materials are borrowed. The patron is responsible for all fees charged by the lending library.

H. Overdue and Lost material charges

  1. Lost, damaged or stolen Interlibrary Loan materials are subject to the lending library’s rules and regulations.
  2. Upon notice that an item cannot be returned, Arlington Public Library staff will contact the lending library as to the charge for that material.
  3. Charges for lost or damaged materials, as well as overdue charges for Interlibrary Loan items are the responsibility of the borrower.
  4. These charges will be reflected on the patron’s Library account and may impact his/her borrowing privileges.

I. Renewals

  1. The lending library determines whether or not renewals are allowed, and no renewals can be made unless the library has been given proper notice and approved the renewal.
  2. In certain cases, lending libraries will not allow renewals.
  3. Contact the ILL department at the Arlington Public Library to request information on specific item renewal options.

J. Statistics

  1. The library will maintain records of transactions in order to inform patrons of the status of their requests and will report activity as required through Library reporting mechanisms.

IV. Interlibrary lending

A. Users

  1. The Arlington Public Library endeavors to extend Interlibrary Loan services to all public, governmental and academic libraries.
  2. Other libraries may submit requests which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  3. All individuals not holding a current Arlington Public Library card who wish to borrow an item from our collection must initiate their request through another library as an Interlibrary Loan request.

B. What can be borrowed

  1. The Library endeavors to make available the broadest range of materials for Interlibrary Loan with the following exceptions: reference materials, newspapers, genealogy materials, e-books and audio visual materials.
  2. The Library also reserves the right to refuse to lend materials (such as local histories, rare materials or other items as determined by the librarian) or to ask the borrowing library to restrict use of materials lent.
  3. If an item cannot be borrowed the patron can request photocopies be made, subject to copyright and staff time limitations.
  4. The Library will not provide loans to other libraries of high demand material if local patrons have outstanding hold requests for those items.

C. How to submit a request

  1. Libraries may submit requests by Navigator, email or phone.
  2. Rush requests are accommodated as time and staffing permit.

D. Turnaround Time

  1. The library will provide quick turnaround on most requests, usually responding within three (3) business days.

E. Loan Period

  1. Items commonly will be loaned for five weeks. This allows for two weeks transit time and a three week check out to the patron.
  2. A due date will be assigned when the item is picked up by the patron. Items will be considered overdue at this library if they are not returned by the item due date.

F. Charges

  1. The Arlington Public Library will not charge for lending materials, except for insurance, photocopy, fax or mailing costs, if any.
  2. The library will charge the borrowing library for materials that are overdue, damaged, stolen or lost on Interlibrary Loan.

G. Overdue and Lost material charges

  1. Lost, damaged or stolen Interlibrary Loan materials are subject to the Arlington Public Library rules and regulations.
  2. Upon notice that an item cannot be returned, Arlington Public Library staff will provide the borrowing library with the charge for that material.
  3. Charges for lost or damaged materials, as well as overdue charges for Interlibrary Loan items are the responsibility of the borrowing library.

H. Photocopies

  1. Up to 5 pages will be provided, within copyright limits.
  2. There is a fifty-cent (50¢) per page charge for photocopies.
  3. Materials will be photocopied from hard copy or microfilm.