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Library Policies

Library Service Policy for Borrowers



1. “Library account" a library card with a unique barcode number issued by an authorized library staff member for purposes of identifying the person (borrower) to whom the account was issued. The library account holder (borrower) will then be authorized to borrow materials and access library services subject to all limitations and conditions imposed on such access by the library system issuing such an account.
2. Library accounts are issued without a fee to an individual who is a resident of the city of Arlington or owns property in Arlington. This type of account must be renewed every year from the date the account is opened.
   a) "Resident" is defined as a person having a place of habitation within the city limits of Arlington, proof of which may include a government issued form of photo identification, accompanied by rent agreement, current utility bill, or tax statement, presented upon application for a library account.
   b) Proof of ownership of property within the city limits shall be determined upon application for a library account by the presentation of a current year's receipt for payment of ad valorem taxes on the property owned.
Library accounts are issued to non-residents of Arlington for a fee. Non-resident accounts are valid for one year from the date the account is opened or renewed. Non-Resident fee is applied annually. (See the complete and current schedule of library fees and operation and services charged on file at the City Secretary’s Office and the Library website (
The following non-residents are exempt from this fee:
   a) If the resident or property owner designation does not apply, a library account can be issued without a fee to an individual who is a student currently attending classes or an adult currently employed at a primary or secondary public, charter, private school, college or university with campuses located in Arlington city limits. The exclusion will also include any child enrolled in a licensed daycare provider located in Arlington city limits. This type of account must be renewed at the beginning of each new school year with proof of continued enrollment or employment with listed type of educational organizations.

  • Proof of current enrollment may include student ID, current report card, or registration records.
  • Proof of current employment may include employer ID, recent pay stub, or current employment verification document.

   b) Residents of Pantego, in accordance with the current interlocal agreement between Pantego and Arlington.
   c) Non-resident volunteers actively serving at Arlington Public Library (8 hours of service per month.)
Proof of residence and exception must be validated annually to renew the account.
Library accounts are issued to temporary residents of Arlington for up to but not to exceed three (3) months. Individuals eligible for this card would be applicants who are in Arlington either to attend an educational program, to receive medical treatment, to visit a relative, or the applicant may reside temporarily in one of the several Arlington-based social service centers.
A library account can be renewed for any individual after confirmation of contact information and any existing balance due on the account is paid.
3. The name, address, phone number, and email provided by an applicant for a library account shall be considered the true and current contact information at the time of application. It is the responsibility of the library account holder to report any change of that person's name, address, phone number, and/or email address. All library records that identify patrons by name will remain confidential to the extent allowed by local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Such records will be limited to use by Library staff for only legitimate library business and shall not be sold or shared for commercial purposes.
4. If a borrower retains property owned by or subject to the control of the Arlington Public Library for more than fifteen (15) calendar days after the return due date of any such item, and has accumulated charges of $25.00 or more, then such person shall be denied the privilege of borrowing any items, placing holds on items or reserving a library meeting/community/study room pending the return of all overdue library material and/or payment of library charges to such library account. At the discretion of the Director of Libraries, a payment plan may be established to facilitate the payment of these charges over a 12-month period.
5. Any item recorded in a circulation transaction shall be considered to have been borrowed by the person whose name is on the library account used in the transaction, and the responsibility for any and all library fines or charges resulting from such transactions shall be the responsibility of the person whose name appears on the account. In the event the library account information is lost or stolen, it is the responsibility of the account holder to notify the Library immediately of the loss or theft which releases the account holder of any charges against a stolen library account after the account holder has notified the library.
6. The number of items allowed to be on loan to any single borrower is limited to 50 items, which may be a combination of any library materials in the circulating collection. Limitations on borrowing may also be set by the Director of Libraries on specific portions of the collection to ensure equitable access to resources in high demand.
7. A complete and current schedule of library fees, and operations and services charges is on file with the City Secretary’s Office and may be found on the Library website (
8. An item borrowed from the Arlington Public Library becomes overdue on the first day of library service following the due date of the item as recorded in the circulation transaction when the item was borrowed. A library item placed in a book-return receptacle at any library facility during hours when the library building is not open shall be deemed to have been returned to the library on the date of that library building’s closing. Materials are considered long overdue on the 16th day after the item was due and the replacement cost will be assessed.
9. Each type of material has its own replacement cost. No borrower or class of borrowers shall be exempt from payment of fees for the replacement of lost or damaged materials.
The charge for lost or damaged materials is the price paid by the Library for the particular item as recorded in the Library’s Circulation System database. If an item record does not include the price paid by the Library, the standard replacement cost represents the average cost of the type of item borrowed and will be charged for the item.
Borrowers of library materials may provide a comparable replacement item of like kind and quality for lost or damaged items subject to approval by library staff. Refunds on books lost and paid for will be made if the item is returned in good condition and within six (6) months of the date of payment. The borrower must present the item to qualify for a refund. The current set replacement charges schedule is on file with the City Secretary’s Office and may be found on the Library website (
Payment of replacement charges does not transfer ownership of the material to the borrower paying the charges. Lost or damaged items remain the property of the Library.
10. As a courtesy, when items checked out to a borrower become seven or more days overdue, the library will attempt to notify them via text or by email based on the notification settings made by the account holder. A final written billing notice will be sent to the email or mailing address listed in the borrower’s library account after materials become 16 days overdue.
In the event, a library account balance exceeds $25.00 in unpaid fees the account will be considered to be delinquent if unpaid within 15 days from the date the fees are charged to the account. The collection of delinquent accounts may be pursued through several means, depending on the amount, including referral to collection or through contact by City of Arlington Attorney’s Office. The account holder involved shall be informed, using the contact information provided by the account holder, of any long overdue library materials that must be returned to the library, or that payment be made to the library in the amount of the cost of replacing any and all such items including the standard replacement cost and the collection fee.
11. Actions for the collection of delinquent library fees and/or payment for library material not returned to the library, when such charges exceed the sum of Three Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($300.00) may consist of the filing of a civil suit against the offender. The pertinent documentation will be assembled by the Director of Libraries or designee and forwarded to the City Attorney's Office.
12. In appropriate cases, criminal prosecution will be pursued by the Director of Libraries or their designee by filing appropriate paperwork in the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office and/or the Arlington City Attorney's Office after investigation. Offenses that may be prosecuted include, but are not limited to: THEFT (Chapter 31 of the Texas Penal Code, as amended); SECURING EXECUTION OF DOCUMENT BY DECEPTION (Section 32.46 of the Texas Penal Code, as amended); FRAUD (Chapter 32 of the Texas Penal Code, as amended); CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (Section 28.03 of the Texas Penal Code, as amended); and RECKLESS DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION (Section 28.04 of the Texas Penal Code, as amended.