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Library Policies

Display Case and Exhibit Area

Arlington Public Library exhibit spaces are for the primary purpose of promoting library resources and programs. The focus of these resources and programs is the advancement of reading as an educational, recreational, and cultural activity.

Full application available for download at the end of this document.


  1. Community groups and individuals may apply to exhibit cohesive collections of items that support our educational, recreational, and cultural mission in unscheduled library exhibit spaces. Applicants must have an Arlington Resident Library card in good standing.
  2. Exhibits will present a broad spectrum of opinions and viewpoints. Exhibits advancing a political cause, promoting hate speech or advertising for a commercial entity are not permitted. No exhibited items may be listed “for sale.”
  3. Under no circumstances will exhibited items be considered as gifts to the library. They explicitly remain the property of the Applicant and must be removed from the library at the end of the exhibit period.
  4. All exhibited items must fit in the assigned space. Items may not be displayed outside of the case unless authorized by the Public Services Coordinator (PSC) of that library location.
  5. External display apparatuses, when permitted, are subject to approval for aesthetics & safety.
  6. All exhibits must include the name of the Applicant, along with clear descriptions of the items.
  7. Library exhibit spaces are scheduled for one-month periods, unless a different period better meets library needs in a particular situation. Applicants should plan to leave items for the full scheduled period. Scheduled exhibits may be rescheduled, and installed exhibits may be removed early if the needs of the library change.
  8. Exhibit spaces are scheduled no more than three months in advance. There is no automatic renewal for the same month next year. A new application is required to schedule a future exhibit.
  9. The Director of Libraries shall have final authority regarding the use of Library exhibit or display spaces and/or cancellation or discontinuance of meeting room reservations.
  10. Applicants place items for display at their own risk and should think carefully before placing any items of monetary value in an exhibit. There will be no payment for, or replacement of, items lost or damaged as a result of the items being on display at any Arlington Public Library location. Insurance coverage is not provided. If desired, the Applicant must insure their belongings at their own expense.


  1. Applicants interested in using a Library exhibit space will submit a completed Application for Use of Exhibit Space and Release of Liability to the PSC at the location housing the exhibit space.
  2. PSCs will approve or deny applications based on library needs and compliance with exhibit guidelines. Denied applicants will receive an email or phone call stating the reasons for denial, which may be appealed to the Director of Libraries.
  3. Applicants will submit an inventory list to the Supervisor in Charge (SIC) when exhibit materials are installed. Both Applicant and SIC will sign a verified inventory list and each will retain a copy.
  4. Exhibits should be installed on the first available day of the scheduled period and be removed on the last available day of the scheduled period. All items not removed by the Applicant by the end of their scheduled time will be removed by library staff and kept in a secure location for thirty (30) days. Exhibit items unclaimed after thirty (30) days will be reported as unclaimed property and items will be released to APD property room or if valued at less than $100 it will be disposed or discarded as allowed by law.