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Library Policies

Meeting and Study Room Usage

Meeting and study rooms of the Arlington Public Library are designed to meet general informational, educational, cultural, and civic purposes. Under the following guidelines. When a meeting or study room is not in use by the Library or a City department, the meeting or study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Library card holders (applicant) can request a room by completing and submitting a room reservation request online or in person.

Meeting Room Usage Fees and availability guidelines are applied as follows:

All public rooms are available during normal library business hours.  Some Downtown Library reservation requests are possible outside of normal business hours (see below for more details).

Application requirements –

  1. The applicant shall be ALL of the following:
    • an Arlington resident or property-owner or have a current full use non-resident card ($50 per year)
    • an Arlington Public Library card-holder, in good standing (balance due is less than $50 and is not expired)
    • an authorized representative of the organization if it is a group holding the meeting
    • an attendee at the requested meeting
  1. meeting room reservation request must be completed and the applicant must acknowledge that they understand and will comply with the Meeting and Study Room Usage Policy.
  2. Payment must be made within 15 business days of placing your reservation request unless payment arrangements have been made.
    • If payment is not received within this time period, the room request is subject to cancellation.
    • Applicable fees will be posted to the applicant’s library account and once paid the reservation will be processed.

Restrictions applicable to all public room usage:

  1. Commercial uses are not permitted.  (Commercial usage, i.e., where personal or business profits are the chief aim of the meeting.  No sale of goods or services or the solicitation for future sales or services will be permitted without prior Library Administration approval. “Solicitation” is any act or attempt to advertise, market, or sell any product or service or to seek membership in any organization, or to obtain a donation/contribution. This includes the collection of “free-will” offerings. Public property, such as City of Arlington buildings, facilities, parking lots, grounds and other real property, is held in trust for the public. It is to be used for governmental and public purposes and governmental property is not to be used for private gain.) 
    • Fees may not be charged or collected to attend a meeting/event.
    • All meetings/events are considered open to the public unless an hourly rental rate is paid.
    • Library staff is permitted to observe or monitor a meeting/event at any time.
    • Political campaign purposes (political forums are permitted)
  2. Use of any Library facility phone number as a contact phone number for the meeting/event to promote the event is prohibited without prior approval by Library Administration. The Library will not serve as a point of information referral for individuals who may have questions regarding the meeting or who wish to contact meeting organizers.
  3. Use of the Library’s meeting rooms does not constitute Library or City of Arlington endorsement or approval of viewpoints expressed by participants in the program.
    • Advertisements or announcements implying such endorsement are not permitted. 
    • Any publicity or marketing materials that include the Library’s name and address must include the disclaimer: “This event is not sponsored by the Arlington Public Library or the City of Arlington.”
    • Library management reserves the right to review any signage, decorations, or literature before usage of a room for compliance with the policy.
  4. It is prohibited to attach signage or decorations to any room surfaces using materials that do not remove cleanly or that mar finishes.
  5. No open flame or ember is not permitted in any space per the City of Arlington Fire Marshal.
  6. Attendees may not exceed the posted occupancy load for the meeting room as established by the City of Arlington Fire Marshal.
  7. Library furniture or equipment stored in the meeting rooms shall not be removed or transferred to other areas and any items moved within the room must be returned to the original configuration.
  8. Applicant is responsible for all damages to the room, fixtures, or equipment during the reservation and will be responsible for any of the resulting cost.
  9. The Library Department reserves the right to revoke a reservation if the meeting/event is disruptive to the Library’s normal course of business, violates the adopted Rules Governing the Use of the Library, or in violation of the guidelines outlined in this Meeting and Study Room Usage Policy.
  10. The Library is not responsible for any items left on Library premises. There will be no payment or replacement for items lost by the organization or those in attendance. Any belongings found will be placed in the Library lost and found and will be discarded after 90 days.
  11. Food may be served in Branch Community Rooms, [re]Brary A and B, Resilience, Excellence, Arlington Tomorrow Foundation Board Room, and the Sun Club Roof Top Garden. Beverages in a covered container are permitted in all public use meeting and study rooms.
  12. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in any building or room during normal business hours.  Any private after-hours event must be pre-arranged with Library staff and beverage service must comply with all laws and regulations and TABC requirements.
  13. All Arlington Public Library System facilities are non-smoking at all times.

Branch Library Community Rooms

Branch Library Locations:

  • East Arlington
  • Lake Arlington
  • Northeast
  • Southeast
  • Southwest
  • Woodland West
  1. $20 Application Processing Fee for up to three reservations at the same time.
  2. Food is permitted in the Branch Community Rooms
  3. A processing fee can be waived for the following groups:
    • Non-profit groups with proof of non-profit status
    • City of Arlington neighborhood associations registered with the Community Planning and Development’s Neighborhood Network 
    • Government agencies
    • Schools with a campus within Arlington
  4. Branch Library Community rooms are not available for the following uses:
    • Weddings and/or showers
    • Family reunions
    • Individual and private parties
    • Banquets
    • Dances

Downtown Library Meeting Rooms (100 S Center St.)

  1. Each room has an hourly rental rate during normal business hours. (see Appendix A Policy 16-252 Library Fines and Fees Schedule)
  2. Reservation requests outside of normal business hours are possible; however, this type of reservation cannot be made online and, arrangements must be made in advance with Library staff request may be sent via email to
  3. The following applies:
    • The after-hours rental rate (see Appendix A Policy 16-252 Library Fines and Fees Schedule)
    • Arlington Police Department security is required (3 hours minimum at $135) and $45 for each additional hour.
    • Library staffing is also required (2 staff minimum) If the reservation is for multiple spaces, additional staff may be required.
  4. Food is permitted in the following rooms: [re]Brary A and B, Resilience, Excellence, Arlington Tomorrow Foundation Board Room, and the Sun Club Roof Top Garden.  (Note restrictions related to open flame indicated above.)
  5. With the exception of the [re]Brary A and B, the meeting room rental fee can be waived for reservations during normal business hours for the following groups:
    • Non-profit groups with proof of non-profit status
    • City of Arlington neighborhood associations that are registered with the Community Planning and Development’s Neighborhood Network.
    • Government agencies
    • Schools with a campus within Arlington

      Library Study Rooms (100 S Center St.)

  1. Usage of study rooms is free of charge with an active library account.
  2. Only beverages with a lid are permitted in study rooms; food is not permitted.
  3. Study room reservations will be automatically canceled 15 minutes after the beginning time for the booking has past to make the room(s) available to others.
  4. Downtown Library study rooms are not available for the following uses:
    • Weddings and/or showers
    • Family reunions
    • Individual and private parties
    • Banquets
    • Dances

Approval and Exceptions

  1. Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis. The Library Director shall have final authority regarding the use of Library meeting and study rooms and/or cancellation or discontinuance of meeting room reservations.
  2. Applicants may have three active reservations at any given time throughout the Library system and may reapply for the use of the room upon successful completion of any meeting.
  3. All cancellations must be submitted within 48 hours of the reservation start time to receive a refund of paid fees.
  4. The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation in the case of an emergency closing. Any paid fees will be refunded.

Accessing and vacating a room

  1. Applicant must check with library staff to gain access to a room and to ensure that the room, furniture, and/or equipment used are in good condition. 
  2. Applicant is responsible for noting posted fire exits and evacuation procedures.
  3. Access to optional equipment is set up to “plug and play.”
    • acceptable connection methods are Wi-Fi, HDMI or USB cable.
    • basic connection cables will be available for checkout.  Replacement cost for cables not returned will be charged to the applicant. 
    • assistance with audiovisual, internet access and PC hardware/software is unavailable on items not supplied by the Library.
    • not all locations have the same items available for use, nor will equipment be transferred from one location to another. See room reservation system for equipment availability.
  4. Furniture and equipment must be returned to the original configuration.
  5. The room must be completely vacated by the published closing time unless prior arrangements have been made with the supervisor in charge.
  6. The applicant must notify library staff at the conclusion of the reservation to ensure that the room, furniture and/or equipment used are in good condition. The applicant will be responsible for any loss or damage property if the room not secured before leaving the space.

Photography and Video Guidelines

Photographs are a wonderful way to remember your visit to the Arlington Public Library. We encourage visitors to snap casual photos  (for their personal use) and share them with us through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  1. Personal photography and filming:
  • Individuals visiting the libraries are welcome to take a few photographs or make short video clips for personal use without advance permission, except where signs are posted prohibiting this.
  • All such activities must be carried out so as not to disturb library users or staff.
  • The following are not permitted: use of flash, tripods, or other equipment that might cause a distraction or obstruction; blocking stairwells or exits, or otherwise impeding traffic; moving or climbing on library furniture or equipment.
  • Photographs of individuals, particularly close-ups, may be taken only with the person's express permission.
  • Personal photos and videos are not to be used for commercial purposes.
  1. Professional or staged photography or video sessions using the Library as a backdrop, the following guidelines apply:
  • All photographic requests must be made at least one week (7 days) in advance of the requested date. Requests will be approved only in cases where the shoot will not disrupt or inconvenience regular library use.
  • All requests for filming or photography in the Library should be emailed to the Library Administration at Requests should be made only after review of this policy and must include the purpose of filming, requested locations, preferred dates and times, number of people involved in the session, and any other relevant details.
  • Maximum two hours, limited to photo subject, photographer, and one assistant.
  • Filming of the exteriors of the libraries is welcomed so long as the photographer/videographer do not block entrances or prevent library users from easy access to the buildings.
  • Common sense and consideration should be used in photographing individuals. Photographs of individuals, particularly close-ups, may be taken only with the person's express permission.
  • All photographers, professionals or individuals, will be responsible for any damages or injuries related to using of the Library photography sessions will be responsible for damages to property and any personal injuries that may occur.
  • Photography charges will be waived for student photographers or videographers working on a school project. However, permission from a Library Manager and a valid Student ID will be required.
  • There is no charge for photography at a reserved venue during the rental period.  Photos taken outside the reserved venue will require a per hour fee.

We hope you enjoyed hosting your function at the Arlington Public Library.  Please let us know if you have suggestions or comments.