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Library Policies

Computer Usage


This document constitutes a Library-wide policy for the management of public computers and wireless network resources.  All persons accessing the public computers or the wireless public network at the Library must abide by this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and all Federal, State and local laws and regulations concerning use of property and computing resources.  Use of Library public computers or wireless connection constitutes acceptance of this Acceptable Use Policy and the Rules Governing the Use of the Arlington Public Library.   


The Arlington Public Library offers access to public computers in order to expand access to information, learning and discovery. These services are not intended to provide access to every software or hardware application or to every source of information available.   

It is the user’s responsibility to exercise judgment and discrimination when evaluating the usefulness and reliability of material found on the Internet. Library staff members may provide limited guidance for accessing the internet and library resources.  The Arlington Public Library System is not responsible for the content, security or reliability of websites.


Library computer resources can only be used for legal and authorized purposes.  Library staff are authorized to coordinate usage of the Library public computers, have the right to determine appropriateness of use, and at any time may require a patron to leave the workstation for violation of this policy and in accordance with law.  Library staff may deny use of the computer systems or services, and if appropriate, recommend criminal prosecution for individuals who fail to comply with any part of this policy.  Failure to comply with staff directives may result in the loss of computer privileges upon formal notice.  The Director of Libraries will oversee the patron appeals process in accordance with the written appeals policy available in the Administrative Offices of the Arlington Public Library 101 West Abram Street, Arlington, Texas.

The library will provide “technology protection measures”/filters on all of its public computers to screen our sites which may reasonably be construed as obscene, as that term is defined in section 1460 of title 18, United States Code; child pornography, as that term is defined in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code; or harmful to minors as defined in section 1703, Pub. L 106-544.  The Library utilizes software that blocks sources on the Internet that may be considered inconsistent with the Library’s mission.  Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the Library Director or designated representatives.   {note here:  this will be determined by the City Attorney’s Office}

No filter is 100% effective, and the library is not responsible should these protections prove ineffective or provide personally offensive information. Individual users must accept responsibility for determining the suitability of content for themselves or their children. §43.22 of the Texas Penal Code prohibits the intentional or knowing display of an obscene photograph, drawing, or visual representation, while being reckless about whether a person is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display. §43.24 of the Texas Penal Code prohibits the display of harmful material, defined in the law similarly to indecent material under federal law, if the displayer is reckless about whether a minor is present who will be offended or alarmed by the display.

Patrons are expected to use library computers and networks in a responsible and courteous manner and in accordance with the Rules Governing the Use of the Library.


All users MUST have their own valid Arlington Public Library card or purchase a guest pass to reserve a computer.


All users of public computers or wireless Internet shall:

  • Observe the legal protections provided by copyright and license law, and computer abuse laws.
  • Observe posted time limits and regulations. 
  • Limit computer usage to a maximum of two people per computer station.
  • Users must use headphones or earbuds for sites that require sound.
  • Report equipment problems promptly to Library staff.
  • Follow the instructions and directives of Library staff.

All users shall specifically refrain from the following activities:

  • Sharing computer account numbers, passwords and other types of authorization that are assigned to individual users. 
  • Downloading and/or installing executable files from any source on public computers.
  • Changing the configuration files of any hardware or software on the Library’s workstations or attempting to disable the Library’s filtering software.
  • Misrepresenting themselves on the Internet with the intention to commit harm, fraud or as a source of an electronic communication.
  • Engaging in any activity that overburdens library resources including bandwidth, file space, or printers.  Staff may request that a patron close an application if it is determined that it has an adverse impact on the network’s overall performance.
  • Interfering with Library equipment.


Children are able to use public computers only in areas specifically designated as Children’s Computers. 

LIBRARY CARD USE AGREEMENT TERMINOLOGY: Children under the age of 13 are required to have the authorization of a parent or guardian on file to access the computers.

Parents assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet at the Library. 

Adults are able to use public computers in Adult service areas only. 


Computer usage is limited to a finite number of sessions per day.  All computer sessions, regardless of length, count towards the session number total.  Session limits may vary by location and by type of workstation. Staff may also take other measures to manage sessions. 

Computers will shut down automatically a designated number of minutes before the Library closes.  The Library is not responsible for the loss of any information or data that may occur as a result of shutdown procedures.


All user-provided devices and Internet files will be scanned for viruses immediately after downloading or insertion in any drive or port and delete or disable any file found to contain a virus. Patrons use their own equipment or storage media at their own risk.


Software or files are not permanently saved to the hard disk of any computer.  Work may be saved stored on the patron’s personal USB device. 

The Library does not provide support for patron’s equipment that is connected to the Library’s computers and does not assume any liability for those devices’ functionality, contents or serviceability. 


Wireless access is a free public service provided by the Arlington Public Library. By choosing to use this service, the patron agrees to abide by the Arlington Public Library’s Computer Usage policy. The Library’s wireless network is not secure or filtered. Anti-virus and security software are the responsibility of the patron. The library is not responsible for any loss of data, or for theft or damage to personal equipment or software.


In general, the Library will treat information stored on computers as confidential (whether or not that information is protected by the computer operating system). Requests for disclosure of information will be honored only under one of the following conditions:

* when authorized by the owners of the information;

* when required by local, state or federal law.

As part of normal system maintenance, network administrators do monitor system activity, but the Library does not reveal information about an individual’s use of computer resources unless compelled to do so.

Activities on public computers or the Library public wireless network cannot be guaranteed any right to privacy.  Patrons should exercise caution on any computer when transmitting personal or sensitive information.


The Library assumes no liability for any loss or damage to users’ data or devices, invasion of the user’s privacy, or for any personal damage or injury incurred as a result of using the Library’s computing resources. 

The Library is not responsible for the theft of personal computers or other devices, personal property loss or damage.

The Arlington Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its computing resources, wireless network or internet services.  The Library does not guarantee that individual users are protected from accessing information they personally may deem undesirable or disturbing. 

Users acknowledge that security errors and hacking are an inherent risk associated with any public computing (wired or wireless) and agree that they knowingly assume such risk, and further agree to hold the Library harmless from any claim or loss arising out of, or related to, any such instance of hacking or other unauthorized use or access into the user’s computer.